“Wondering is a word connoting at least three things:
Standing in disbelief
Standing in the question itself
Standing in awe before something
Try letting all three ‘standings’ remain open inside of
“Words and thoughts are invariably dualistic, but pure
experience is always non-dualistic.”
- The Naked Now, Richard Rohr
Perhaps this is a glimpse into my soul. Maybe I’ve felt this
for a long time and that is part of why I find myself so hesitant to talk
sometimes. Its on my mind constantly how words cannot capture experience. I feel words cannot do justice to reality,
to faith, to pain, to love, to God. I sense somehow when I try to speak or
write words (yes, irony wins out as I type this..) that I must try to simplify
that which can not be simplified without losing a vital piece of itself. My
spirit, more accurately, my breath of life God continues to give me, mutters
unclearly about everything. And perhaps my goal shouldn’t be to understand or
discern clearly what it means. But instead to simply hear it. To live and be
present as it speaks.
Indeed even pondering something stands in this paradox
unlike ‘wondering’. To ponder means I try to put words or thoughts in order and
understand or comprehend whatever it is I’m experiencing. Yet the words I
choose and the conclusions they lead me to are invariably tainted with my
paradigm, my previous experiences, my previous conclusions. So because words
are the foundation for so much of our communication, our mutual interactions,
perhaps the challenge is not to negate them, or hold disdain for them, but
instead to embrace them in full light of their inadequacies. Words will never
be 100% true. Only basic, un-filtered experience is true.
Though I appreciate that as broken relational beings, as
humans who, in spite of being impregnated with “inherent dignity and
importance” as Richard Rohr puts it, by our Creator, have chosen another
direction than what God intended for us, we must use our words. We must try to
capture the truth and communicate it with these imperfect tools. Conceivably
this is why we in Western culture and traditions get so frustrated, angry,
rageful even, when we hear others claiming to be describing the perfect, the
right, the truth, using such inadequate things as words.
Just think about our political leaders, about the religious
elite, about the corporate CEOs. They can hardly ever agree. And instead of
accepting that this might be more due to the defectiveness of language and therefore
trying to seek greater understanding, they instead fall into the same pit and
pitch their own tent in the sand, claiming that it will stand the ferocious
winds while those of their opponents wash away.
What would happen if we all stepped out of our tents and
stood in wonder together at the sunrise over the ocean? What if we all realized
our tents of posture, ego, and pride are all fleeting and fragile and staked
into the shifting sands of our experiences? Would we then turn and help clear
the beach of these wigwams of futility? Would we work together to dig down to
the bedrock of commonality and build a structure of solid love that would stand
firm in the shifting sands of time, the winds of extremism, and the crashing
waves of hatred?
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